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Friend 1 3A'09 6Opal HKSS's HEC(2009) HKSS'S HEC(2010) AiJing Alvin ChunXiang CuiYing Endang Gladys HanLin Ivy Jasmine JingHUi Joan Jocelyn Judy JunXian KaiLin May QianRu QiHua QingPing Reon Sharon ShuMin ShuShia Syakhirrah Taylor YanHong YiQun YiWen YiYue YuanYing YuanZheng
August 2008
September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
ICONs camp
Hey people!! I'M BACK from ICONs camp !! Yay!
Had lots of happy time over there Day 1: I got to know my team mates and my facilitator, Yan Hong. And and, unluckily, i'm the group leader:( I dont want to be group leader.. I dont know how to lead a group.. Haiz, nvm.. carry on.. Finally arrive to Dairy Farm Then got to know our bunks Haha, i'm sleeping with KaiLin:D Next, teambuilding games It was fun :D After that, we had our lunch.. I still prefer sec 3 camp's food.. I miss them.. Next, we had to do planning about CCA open house day I did a super bad job in leading them I didnt talk, didn't do anything.. I wanted to, but i just dont have the courage:( then yan hong & Hui Ling help me in leading them The rest are GREAT! They did a fantastic job in giving answer. After discussing, we had to present in front of everyone.. This was the dissapointing part.. I start off for them But after that, no one want to take over Thanks to HuiLing again After that, shower time then dinner After dinner, another planning but.. its for the mission(amazing race) tomorrow my team did a great job everyone was so serious abt it giving ideas, and cooporation Thank you guys!! After discussing, sleeping time! ZzzzzZ Day 2: Rise & shine!! Kai Lin & i are the last to wake up Wahaahahahaha.. Brush teeth & then wash up Had Nasi Lemak for breakfast Next, safety briefing abt the mission then practise our cheers At 10.30a.m, we then start our mission. First, we went to Jurong East Mrt station to take a train to Woodlands Once we reached woodlands, we then take bus to Singapore Sport school Then run & run & run to there Find & find & find FINALLY found it ! YAY! Snap a picture say cheesezz:D Next back to woodlands mrt station take a train to Bishan Mrt station then run & run & run to Bishan Sport Hall Snap a picture say cheesezz:D hahahahaha Time is running out run & run & run to bishan Mrt station take train to city hall to our pitstop again.. run & run & run to explanade to meet ms koh and mr lawerence Snap a picture say cheesezz:D run & run & run to somewhere near marina square Snap a picture say cheesezz:D Phew, finally can heve a break to MAC DONALD ! Had a meal played the monopoly hahahahaha continue our mission run back to city hall take a train to Lavander* once reached, run & run & run to Jalan Besar Stadium at first we cant find it but we ask ppl it was quite far but my team persevere & display a Never Say Die attitude Good Job guys! Gooooo.. CONVERSE Btw, our group name is call converse Hahahahaha B'cos we took too long in Jalan Besar We are late we must be back at 3.30p.m we run back to lavander* Take train straight to Jurong East Oh gosh! the train is super packed we have to wait another train Gosh, confirm gurantee* late already then we slack slack around hahahahahaha Once we reached Jurong East It was already 3.30p.m then we hack care lah then we take bus and went back When we reached, we found out that we are not the last team we clap and cheer hahahahaha we were super happy Go shower wash up practise cheers again b'cos later got camp finale then dinner practise again then briefing arrange table then wait.. Performing time ! " Let's welcome group... ... FIVE !!!!!" OMG !! WTH!! we are the first group! I got a shock but nvm i siad 'CONVERSE ARE YOU READY?' they replied "EVER READY'' the cheer was great although there are some part which we did not do well then others perform they were great, fantastic! then we sing and cheer and do the icons waves It was fun:D Then it was prize presentation The winner for the mission goes to.... drum rolls!... CONVERSE!!! OMG!! I WAS SUPER DUPER SHOCK i really dont expect us to win the team mates jump and scream i was still too stunned tat i forgot to retrieve the prize YAY!!!! Ferraro Rocher After that, put back table teacher talk talk then wash up sleep ZzzzzZ Day 3 : Rise & shine!! Kai Lin & i are the last to wake up AGAIN.. Brush teeth & then wash up Had breakfast, Bee Hoon then area cleaning time! use eye power if dirty pick up if dont have no need to do anything then group gathering talk to my group mates but i didnt say much i was stuck after that , do journal reflection Then go home liao When reach school help teacher sth first then go mac donald eat eat monopoly game again then chit chat then go home sweet home:) Actually i'm not a good leader i did not lead the team well but i have already tried my best Thanks to yan hong he encourages me and keep asking me to be more confident He is a good motivator:D Also thanks to Hui Lin & Juana thank you for leading the team well THANK YOU GUYS!! Ohh.. & also CONVERSEEEE everyone of you did a fantastic job Thank you guys will never forget this team Goooo... CONVERSEEE !! U ROCKZ ! ![]() |